“I might need this someday”


“I might need this someday.” This is a common remark I hear from clients, and my job is to help them figure out what they want and need in their life and let go of those items that no longer serve them.

Sometimes setting up parameters is helpful, such as asking how many is a reasonable amount of, let’s say coffee cups. Once they determine a number that feels comfortable, they keep only this number of coffee cups. Then, if they purchase a new cup or get one as a gift, it’s important they follow the one-in, one-out rule.

Sometimes I ask them, “How hard would it be to replace this?" or "How likely is it that you might need this?”

If they haven’t used it in two years and it costs less than $100 (or $50 or $20) to replace, it might be worth giving themselves the gift of space.

It's one of the best gifts ever.


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